Why We Seek, Even When The Answer Is Right In Front of Us (and what to do instead)
Our addiction to overcomplication. Why we seek answers and guidance but suck at remembering what we’re taught & the science behind why you’ll pay thousands of dollars for free information.
Before we dive in…I’m thinking about writing a book titled: The Seeking Cycle: Why We’re Addicted to New Information, Even When The Answer Has Been There All Along (or something like that…)
Any suggestions?
If you think I should write it, let me know. I think this plagues a lot of people like me who are sensitive to information overwhelm, multi-passionate, and suck at consistency.
Let me start by quoting Chris Do (from our convo with him):
Okay, thanks Chris…so it really all just comes down to a mindset issue? We all just need to take more action?
Essentially, yes….it’s all about action baby!
You can watch the entire episode here (Chris Do – Creative Confidence & The Ability to Solve Any Problem)
But I doubt just because you know this fact (that you’ve always known) doesn’t mean you’re going to change overnight, right?
So I think we need to excavate the core systems that cause us to spiral down the seeking cycle.
Your brain has huge blind spots.
Information is addicting (especially today with all the “learn how to make every person stop scrolling” tactics out there).
But information is worthless unless retained, organized, and integrated.
95%+ of info is worthless to you at the moment you’re consuming it, but it will make you feel like it’s the only thing that matters.
By the way, people are only going to get better at this, so protect your brain and energy!
Alright, let’s look at a list to give your brain a break ;)
7 Triggers That Lead You Down the Seeking Cycle
Information Overload — we’ve far surpassed our brain’s consumption capacity
Fear of Failure — we’re all just tryna survive out here (according to our brain!)
Comparison — they’re doin’ it, I should to!
Confirmation Bias — “yup, this is it, this will solve everything!”
Procrastination / perfectionism — you already know…
Instant Gratification Bias — I’ll be rich in a couple weeks right, for sure!
Overwhelm — shotgun vs. sniper
The reason some coaches and online programs can make millions selling the most obvious information ever, is because of ‘The Seeking Cycle.’
We crave new information or information organized in a new way, or someone new telling us that information.
We’re will to pay thousands for it because we truly believe the promise land is on the other side.
Caveat: Sometimes this is good and if it takes you pulling out your wallet to finally take action, so be it. But I’m talking about the cycle, which is deadly!
Your brain is hackable and these people are great at hacking it to make money.
But at the end of the day, it’s no ones fault but yours.
We must protect our brain.
How To Protect Your Brain At All Cost & Avoid the Seeking Cycle
Reset > Prioritize > Plan > Commit
Implement the following tools to catalyze this new mental model:
Reset Your System
Reset your system by doing an information fast / cleanse.
Take a week+ break from podcasts, YouTube, TV, Books, social media, emails, courses, and anything else that’s feeding you info and content.
Journal about the process and notice the “pull” to go to those sources starts to fizzle.
When it’s time to reintroduce, do it slowly and consciously (if at all). Having a time-based structure can be super helpful. (ie: Listen to one podcast episode from 2-3pm)
Unfollow and unsub from anyone who’s not serving you - if you need to wipe the slate clean and start over, do it.
I used this tool to completely reset my Instagram addiction.
Sift through the muck to find where your focus is actually needed.
I go back to my ‘Anti-Wandering Self-Audit’ doc whenever I need to refocus.
Try out The Box where we’ll help you prioritize, then finish what you start.
Pick a clearly defined target and look at it every day
I have a slideshow in Canva that has clear words and visuals that remind me of
Who I am
Where I’m going
And why it all matters
Try to boil it all down to a sentence you can look at daily — this can take time, so sit with it — once you land on it, it will fuel you through the inevitable ups and downs.
Create a structure (schedule, themed days, recurring tasks / habits) that reduce your thinking and decision making, just stick to the plan.
Get in a community of people that support action
Commit to the long-haul (don’t give up)
Journal about it (integrate & iterate)
Try out The Box and commit to 2 90-min virtual coworking sessions a week (Tues + Thursday) with other creatives getting sh*t done.
Ultimately, breaking free from the seeking cycle, like anything, requires a gradual shift in mindset from passive consumption to active engagement.
By taking ownership of your actions and committing to consistent effort, you can move beyond the cycle of seeking and start making meaningful progress towards your goals.
Implement the following tools to catalyze this new mental model:
Information cleanse (Get off the info train and reset your brain)
Sift through the muck to find where your focus is actually needed.
Pick a clearly defined target and look at it every day
Get in a community of people that support action
Journal about it (integrate & iterate)
Commit to the long-haul (don’t give up)